Full Name
What is your current residential postcode?
Current Occupation
Do you have any business experience? Yes No
Do you have any retail food industry experience? Yes No
Are you an Australian citizen? Yes No
If not, are you authorised to work in Australia? Yes No
Why do you want to partner with The Jolly Miller?
Why does buying a business appeal to you? Dissatisfied with working for someone else.Looking for a job or industry change.Looking for a lifestyle change.Looking for an investment opportunity.To secure personal income.To secure financial future.I want to be my own boss.Other
If Other – Please specify
Do you intend on working full time in the business? Yes No
What range of cash do you have available to invest in the business? Less than $50,000$50,000 to $100,000$100,000 to $200,000$200,000 to $500,000$500,000+
Do you have any ability to finance any shortfall? Yes No
How soon would you like to get into your own business? I’m ready to go now.3-6 months.6-12 months.I’m just exploring at the moment.
Do you have a preference for a particular area?